Program Educational Objectives
[PEO.1]: To imbibe contemporary business management skills to develop strategies of managing in the era of disruptions in recovering markets and to deploy them in successfully running business organizations.
[PEO.2]: To enhance interpersonal skills interaction for business communication (written and oral) and learning skills to work under difficult economic and managerial situations.
[PEO.3]: To enhance the in-depth understanding of business activities for evidence based decision making by imposing analytical skills and project based learning.
[PEO.4]: To develop capabilities of applying integrated tools techniques and concepts from multiple functional areas of management (i.e. Human Resource, Management, finance& Accounts, Marketing, Banking & Insurance, International Business, Operational Management, Information technology, Analytics, and allied subjects) to solve business problems.
Program Outcomes
[PO.1]: Having an ability to apply Management theories and practices to solve Business Problems.
[PO.2]: Having an ability for Data Based Decision Making.
[PO.3]: Having an ability to imbibe value based Leadership.
[PO.4]: Having an ability to lead and achieve Business goals by Creating team Environment.
[PO.5]: Having an ability of being socially and environmentally sensitive human being.
[PO.6]: Having an ability to innovate and being active action researcher in developing new product and management process.
[PO.7]: Having an ability to analyze national and global economies legal and ethical aspects of business.
[PO.8]: Having an ability of entrepreneurship with analytical and creative thinking.
Program Specific Outcomes
[PSO.1]: To Prepare Students who will create and implement Business Solutions for problem across various functions of management.
[PSO.2]: To Prepare Graduates who will contribute to the growth, sustainability and Development of Society through their research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
[PSO.3]: To prepare Graduates equipped with creative and required analytical, interpersonal and Communication Skills.