Government Recognitions
MVN University is established by the State Legislature v under Haryana Private University Act 32 0f 2006 (Amended Act 16 of 2012)
MVN University is covered under section 2(f) of the UGC Act 156, and is empowered to award degrees as specified by UGC under section 22 of UGC Act 1956.
MVN University is a approved member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU). It has been granted approval by General Body of AIU on its 32nd Annual General meeting held on 3rd Dec 2014.
Programmes offered by School of Law are fully recognized by Bar Council of India (BCI), a statutory body of the Government of India created to regulate and represent the Indian Bar.
Programmes offered by School of Pharmacy are fully recognized by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), a statutory body of the Government of India created to regulate and represent the Pharmacy.